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Event Details 

WOMEN OF TRUTH - with Heleniq Argyrou

WOMEN OF TRUTH - with Heleniq Argyrou

30,00 €Τιμή


A series of psychological seminars to help you become aware of certain conditioning and programming that creates blockages in your happiness and success.

Using psychology theories, certain positive psychology concepts mysticism spirituality and meditations, these seminars equip you to develop a deep sense of your authentic being. You will also :

➡️Uncover the inner dialogue dynamic that gets you stuck in a loop of criticism and possible sabotage and ways to free yourself from them.

➡️Bring new growth mindset tools to your goals and aspirations to accomplished small and huge dreams for your life.

➡️Learn about ways to access and activate your divine feminine nature

☑️ Seminar 1:

Biggest Lies Women Beleive

and 3 ways to correct them

🔳 Seminar 2: From Co-dependence, self sabotage, people pleasing and self abandonment to Wild Wise Women Wander.

🔳 Seminar 3: Goddessence, what is healthy Empress energy and how to ground yourself into divine feminine energy. Divinity, divine femininity and sacred sovereignty.


€30 each [or €80 for all 3]

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